Saturday, April 7, 2012

Survey says.....

This week I wanted to take a quick moment to talk about something that I recently discovered as an avid fan of the Google empire, GoogleDocs Survey Tool.  I know I know, survey tools are a dime a dozen, and this may be true, but very few of those dimes make our lives easier.  This is found by creating a new Form inside of Google Docs, and it is one of the ost feature rich and user friendly survey tools I have used and also the same has been said of the students I have asked to use it.

Forms allow you to enter in multiple choice, scale questions, open-ended, or any number of other survey questions to your hearts content.  The great thing about this, as compared to a site like SurveyMonkey, is that the number of questions you can enter is unlimited, unlike SureveyMonkeys limit of 10 unless you want to pay for more.  The other great thing about this is that it can be administered 100% anonymous  Students love the fact that they can get feedback on something without having to worry weather or not the data they are receiving is genuine or not.

And the last thing that I simply love about Google Docs Forms is the data collection. Any program that lets you dump an obscene amount of information into it, and then it very kindly spits it back out in spreadsheets and charts is something to be marveled.  So for this week, I highly recommend swinging over to Google Docs and giving Forms a try.  My students and I have greatly enjoyed using this tool.

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