Monday, March 5, 2012

Moving on from the basics of Google...

Over the past few weeks we've tried to highlight some of the simple yet very effective tools that Google is offering you as the end user.  One of the great things about Google is the general access to data it allows user to have at their fingertips.  Just like Peter Parkers grandpa said, with great power comes great responsibility :)

Keeping that in mind, one of the most frustrating things that can about from the use of Google is the video search results.  Don't get me wrong, when you do a search for cinnamon challenge, you get a boat load of funny results that you can share with your friends.  But when it comes time to delve deeper into the offering of the video search world, it's time to look at one of my favorite sites for accessing the power and potential of the internet, Ted Talks.  This is one of the most creative and informative video sites I have ever come across.

TED was born in 1984 out of the observation by Richard Saul Wurman of a powerful convergence between Technology, Entertainment and Design. The first TED included demos of the Sony compact disc and new 3D graphics from Lucasfilm, while mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot demonstrated how to map coastlines with his newly discovered fractals. Several influential members of the digerati community were there, including Nicholas Negroponte and Stewart Brand.

As TED has progressed more and more of the worlds leading minds and progressive thinkers have begun to contribute to the library that TED has to offer.  I realize that previously I've mentioned TED as a tool for educators to learn and stay in touch with the most current and future innovations of this world, but I recently have been using this as a tool for different purposes.  

As of late I have been letting students and any person willing to learn access TED for the purpose of inspiration.  I'll admit that I had forgotten how powerful the concept of inspiration can truly be for people, especially when it comes to the opportunities that future offer the world they currently reside in.

For me, the notion of how much power the future of technology really does posses cam from this TED talk,  After watching this, do a quick Google for when the iPhone came out....Now do the math from then to the date which this video released...  For me, technology is just beginning to scratch the surface of where we can go.  

So from Google to TED, the web still has so much more to offer.

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