Saturday, March 10, 2012

Making things look pretty...

Soooo, one of my favorite things to do in the whole wide world is take photos of stuff.  Whether it's photos of my family, architecture, nature, or people making complete fools of themselves, I love to take photographs of it all.  The problem with this is the fact that even though I love to do this, I'm not always the most skilled at getting it to look like something Ansel Adams has done, ok that never actually happens.  

Like most journeys to learn, my need to understand how to correct the photos that weren't quite just right was born out of necessity.  And that's when I discovered Adobe TV.  Adobe TV is a goldmine for anyone who wants to step their game up in any of the products Adobe has to offer.  I of course had some much needed learning to be done when it comes to Photoshop, but the wealth of knowledge available on this site is endless.  

They have how-to articles and videos.  You can learn how to cross-utilize applications beyond your wildest imaginations.  And the best part of all this, is that it's free.  I realize some of you reading this might say, "hey, Adobe products are so not free", and you would be right, but equipping students with the knowledge of how to use the applications that professional firms use on a daily basis is priceless.  Plus, more and more educational discounts are being made available at prices even the most cash barren schools can afford.  

I'd like to say which one is my favorite, but as of right now I just keep gorging on all of the information the site has to offer, and I recommend you do the same.

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