Saturday, February 25, 2012

More Google....Really???

Building on last weeks post about making Google work for you, this weeks post delves deeper into the other features of Google that some people may not be aware of.

Now sufficed to say, most people have heard of as a search engine and they may also know about which is Google's very own email client.  Those 2 pickings from Google are just the beginning.  Google offers a whole cache of products that can help the everyday tech user stay connected in a one stop shopping environment.  The following link is a list of products that Google offers.  Take a moment to look through the different products and see what might interest you as an end user.

Now I'm not gonna tell you that I use each and everyone of these products that Google has to offer, but I do find myself using Reader, Gmail, Calendar, Chrome to Phone, Android OS and Google Wallet on a daily basis.  The beauty of this is that I can trust in the convenience of having all of the products communicate without having to change sites, operating systems or technology to make them work.

One thing to keep in mind is that Google is 100% a data collection company.  They make their money by tracking search trends, purchases and popular locations, so the responsibility lies with you the end user to stay vigilant in how much data you want Google to mine and use in the long run.  If you have a Google account and would like to limit how much the man is tracking, simply got to, log in, clear the history and turn off the feature, tadah.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I didn't know that, well ya should...

One of the hardest things to do these days is keep up with all the information and technology that is available to us as consumers and educators.  As much as I would like to incorporate the latest and greatest into my everyday life and classroom, I know that more often than not, this is impossible.  That is the main reason I love the inter-mobly-net-webly-thingy....  Also known as the internet.

In todays fast paced run a much society, keeping in touch with the world and all it has to offer has become a right to most of us.  If ya can't afford to have internet at your house, no worries, head on down to your local coffee shop or Chick-fil-A and log into theirs.  So when I hear someone say, "I didn't know that", I honestly pause and wonder, "how could they not?".  All someone has to do is Google it, as their phone to do the Googling for them.

So the first tool I am offering to people is  I know, I know, that's a given right?  But it's not.   So many people take for granted that they can type something into Google and it will magically offer up the most sane and rational response, and it most cases they would be right.  The fact is, that Google has so much more to offer as a tool for education then the most likely answer to your query. The following link is a simple tutorial that begins to open the doors of advanced searching within Google.  Please take a moment to look through it and see what you may have been missing when it comes to using Google as not only a search tool, but also a research tool for fine tuning the information you need.